Havelock Zonal Library

chris (2007-12-31 08:35:34)
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I hired the bicycle for the duration of my stay on Havelock island. Every excursion was loaded with 'hello's' from local kids, all done up in their school uniform, or helping their parents with the cows and goats and hens.

On my second day I dropped in on the Havelock Zonal Library. There I met the head librarian and his wife. We discussed the importance of reading and writing. He then took a list of his current English titles and proceeded to read out every single one in turn. They included Pride and Prejudice, various books by Charles Dickens, The Constitutional history if India, A History of Indian Presidents, an Atlas, a couple of dictionaries and some Engineering textbooks. The librarian was very happy indeed that I had visited. He told me that young people on Havelock Island do not like to read and write and this is a great shame.

I had chosen the wrong day to visit, because the librarian and his wife were busy sorting out the books with the assistance of a local student. The librarian eventually released my hand from his grasp, earnestly urging me to come back the following day for a browse.
